How To Detox Your Instagram: Reclaim Your Newsfeed

A social media detox isn’t just a trend; it’s a mindful choice to safeguard your mental and emotional health.

When Should You Do a Social Media Detox?

Signs will appear when it’s time for a social media cleanse. Here are the two big ones you want to look out for:

  • when posts you come across start making you uncomfortable, leaving you with a sense of unease or negativity.
  • when you feel ready for a lifestyle change, seeking a more positive, inspiring, and growth-oriented online environment.

A social media cleanse doesn’t necessarily mean a complete app purge or going offline for an extended period. In fact, it can be a powerful exercise for taking back control over your digital life. You have the ability to redirect the algorithm and reshape the content that floods your feed.

Let’s explore how you can reclaim detox+rejuvenate your instagram:

Select ‘not Interested in seeing this post’

Social media platforms often offer you an option to tell the algorithm you’re not interested in seeing specific posts or posts of this genre. This simple action can help fine-tune your feed and reduce content that doesn’t resonate with you. Look out for the three dots in the top right of the screen to find this option.

Muting Stories or Posts

You may not want to unfollow someone… but you may not exactly enjoy seeing their content either. Muting their stories or posts is a great compromise, allowing you to maintain the connection while curating your feed to match your preferences. Just hop on their profile, tap “following” then select mute. You can choose whether you want to mute their stories, posts or both. And don’t worry, they won’t be notified that you’ve muted them.

Unfollow 10+ Accounts

This simple action sends a clear signal to the algorithm that you’re not interested in seeing posts from these accounts. It’s like tidying up your digital space, decluttering your feed, and making room for content that genuinely resonates with your interests and goals.

Follow 10+ Inspiring Accounts

To balance the unfollowing, follow accounts that create content that inspires, educates, and uplifts you. Seek out profiles related to your interests and passions, whether it’s art, mindfulness, fitness, or personal development. You’ll be amazed at the positivity these accounts can bring to your feed. One way you can find new accounts to follow is by visiting the profile of accounts you enjoy and selecting the button that has the person and + sign next to it, often found to the right of the “message” button. This feature allows you to see accounts that are similar to the profile you’re visiting!

Turn Off Notifications

Notifications can be a constant distraction. Take back control by turning off non-essential notifications. This way, you choose when to engage with the app, rather than being bombarded throughout the day.

The Illusion vs. Reality of Social Media

It’s crucial to remember that social media often presents a carefully curated version of reality. Behind the seemingly perfect posts and filtered images, everyone faces their own struggles and challenges. Comparing your life to the highlight reel of others can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and stress. Prioritizing your mental health is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Consider detoxing and refining your social media whenever you find yourself feeling low or uninspired after scrolling. Your well-being should always come first, and curating your online experience is a powerful step towards preserving your energy and living a more intentional, fulfilling life.

Just remember that if you do ever need a break, take it. It’ll be worth it. And… you are worth it.

Published by Cassidy Barratt

Mental Wellness Educator, Artist, Eco-Warrior. I share knowledge and teachings to help people feel empowered.

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